Tag: British Birds
What is the UKs biggest bird of prey?
Last week we were so excited to be joined by the UKs LARGEST species of raptor – the White Tailed Sea Eagle! With a wingspan up to 2 and a half metres and a weight up to 5kg, these birds look like a flying barn door in the air! With about 150 pairs estimated accross…
British Bird of Prey Day 2024 is a wrap!
Our busiest day on record saw over 200 of you visit and spend the day with us for some incredible wildlife inspiration! We had some fabulous stallholders including Wild About Britain, RSPB, Avon Wildlife Trust, Raptor Aid and more, alongside a not one, not two, not three but FIVE headline speakers talking about their careers…
What is the worlds largest Owl?
Biggest Owl in the world? Well scientists can’t quite settle on one answer, so it comes down to two different species. First is the Blakiston’s Fish Owl, native to the colder regions of South East Asia, the species is sadly in low number and dependent on conservation strategies in the wild. But much closer to…
What bird of prey hovers?
Famously once referred to as the ‘Roadside Raptor’, this incredible native bird of prey can often be spotted hovering perfectly stationary just a few meters above the roadside, in search of prey hidden amongst the grassy verges.The truth is, many of our British birds of prey and owls hover – Buzzards have been known to…
Spring has sprung for our Barn Owlets!
Spring is turning to summer and the sun is finally starting to shine for 2024. This is good news for our Nest Box conservation programme, in particular this lovely family of Barn Owlets! Did you know that 100% of the proceeds from your visit support our work in conservation? Our Nest Box and Land Manager…
How wide are your wings? The Wingspan of different birds of prey.
Little, large and everything in between – let’s take you through some of the epic wingspans of the birds here at The Bird of Prey Project. Want to see it for yourself? Grab some day tickets and experience wings whistling overhead during one of our displays or experiences. We’ve got to start with our smallest…
How to tell? Is it a Buzzard or a Red Kite?
We often hear people talking about seeing Red Kites or Buzzards on their commutes, or even in their back gardens. Well, here at the Centre we are passionate about native species and you may have even seen our resident Buzzard Neo in action during a flying display when he is occasionally joined by a wild…